The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

Jesus warns the disciples of the age to come and reveals his glory for a brief moment. He is preparing His disciple’s heart for His inevitable departure.

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John 10:1-18
"We follow Jesus and his disciples as they descend from the mountaintop after a moment of divine revelation. As they reach the base, they are confronted with a distraught father and his demon-possessed son, exposing the ongoing battle between faith and doubt. We witness Jesus' unwavering compassion as he confronts the religious elite, exposing their hypocrisy and standing up for the marginalized. His interactions with the woman caught in adultery showcase the depth of his mercy, challenging societal norms and offering redemption to the broken. As tensions rise in Jerusalem, Jesus continues to proclaim the message of the Kingdom, even in the face of opposition. His teachings on forgiveness, humility, and the value of every soul serve as a beacon of hope in a world filled with judgment and condemnation."
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