This is My Son

This is My Son

Jesus’ teaching goes viral, and he begins ministering to the broken, sick, and the outcasts.

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Mark 1:15
Our king, Jesus, arrives, setting the stage for our journey. Before his appearance, prophets foretold Israel's need for a savior, symbolizing their inner captivity. John the Baptist, a rugged figure, heralded Jesus' coming with a call to repentance, challenging entrenched religious ideologies. As Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened, affirming his divine identity. He then retreated to the wilderness, facing temptation, echoing the trials of past leaders. Two key moments stand out: Nathanael's encounter reveals Jesus' intimate knowledge, offering comfort to our unseen struggles. Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine, hints at his divine purpose and the dawn of a new era, replacing old traditions with fresh vitality.
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