The Road

The Road

Jesus speaks to a few disciples, although his identity is hidden until the final moments. This is an interesting portion of scripture, where Jesus has the opportunity to talk about a very profound truth - that the WHOLE BIBLE is about him.

Luke 24:27
"The Road to Emmaus is a fascinating story that occurs after Jesus’ resurrection. Two disciples, disheartened by the events of Jesus' crucifixion, are walking to the village of Emmaus. As they discuss the recent events, Jesus joins them, but they are kept from recognizing him. He asks them what they are discussing, and they recount the crucifixion and the empty tomb discovered by the women. Jesus then takes this opportunity to explain how the Scriptures—from Moses through the Prophets—all point to the Messiah. He reveals the grand narrative of the Bible, showing that it has always been about God's plan for redemption through him. It is during the evening meal, when Jesus breaks bread, that their eyes are opened and they recognize him. This revelation is transformative, turning their sorrow into joy. The disciples immediately return to Jerusalem to share the news of their encounter with the risen Jesus.
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