The Prison of Pride

The Prison of Pride

We are introduced to our flawed hero, Joseph. This beloved son of Israel has bestowed a coat of glimmering colors, showcasing his favor over his brothers. However, his father’s favor puffs him up with pride, which ultimately will be his downfall.

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Genesis 37:11
Have you ever felt so confident in your abilities that it caused you to look down on others? Joseph’s story begins with favor, but it quickly becomes a lesson about the dangers of pride. His father, Israel, loved him deeply, as shown through the gift of a colorful coat. Yet, instead of being grateful, Joseph allowed his pride to grow, boasting about dreams that placed him above his brothers. This arrogance caused division and jealousy, damaging his relationships. How often do we let pride create barriers between us and others? Joseph’s journey reminds us that God’s blessings should lead to humility, not arrogance. When blessed, ask, “How can I use this to serve others?” True growth begins when pride is set aside and humility takes root.
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