The Palace of Preparation

The Palace of Preparation

Joseph is made governor over all Egypt. God grants him favor, wisdom, and power to protect the land from famine. However, a greater test awaits him.

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Genesis 41:39
What would you do if you had the power to save a nation and face those who once wronged you? After years of suffering, Joseph is made governor of Egypt, using the wisdom God gave him to prepare for a devastating famine. But God’s work in Joseph’s life wasn’t just about storing food but also about preparing his heart for a deeper test. Sometimes, God allows seasons of waiting to shape our character before stepping into our calling. In slavery and imprisonment, Joseph learned perseverance and leadership, essential qualities for the role ahead. How might God be using your own challenges to prepare you? Joseph’s real test came when his brothers, who sold him into slavery, needed his help. This moment revealed whether his heart was ready to forgive. When past hurts resurface in your life, are you ready to respond with grace and compassion?
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