The Palace of Humility

The Palace of Humility

Joseph is brought before Pharaoh to bring comfort to his chaotic mind. Before, Joseph was prideful and arrogant about his gifts. However now, Joseph rises to power because of his humility.

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Genesis 41:16
Have you ever felt like your talents or abilities were all your own? Once a young man full of pride, Joseph had to learn the hard way that every gift comes from God. After years of suffering, betrayal, and imprisonment, Joseph is brought before Pharaoh to interpret a dream. Instead of claiming the glory for himself, Joseph humbly says, "It is not in me: God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace”(Genesis 41:16). His words reflect a heart transformed by humility. How often do we face situations where we could take credit for our success? Joseph shows us that true wisdom begins with acknowledging that everything we have comes from God. When we surrender our pride and rely on Him, God works through us in ways we could never imagine. What would your life look like if you trusted God with your gifts?
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