The King's Spear

The King's Spear

Once again, David stands over the sleeping body of Saul. David holds the king’s spear in his hand, able to end his life with his own weapon.

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Joshua 1:9
The Bible teaches us that the real villains are the evil dwelling within human hearts and Satan lurking at our doorsteps. If David were to kill Saul, it would be an act of revenge, which wouldn't serve a higher purpose. Despite Saul's descent into evil, he's not the ultimate enemy; it's the darkness within us. David, a man after God's heart, doesn't want to be defeated by bitterness, compromise, or sin. Saul is still consumed by hatred for David. He clings to his spear, a symbol of the throne, and fantasizes about using it against David. The spear becomes a metaphor representing the throne, and David's interactions with it underscore his rightful claim to the kingdom. Abishai, like some of us, questions why David won't just seize it by force. But David's response is profound. He acknowledges that the Lord, not he, should decide who sits on the throne. He wants the throne to be established in God's favor, not through conquest.
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