The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

An entry fit for a king. Crowds are cheering and calling for him to take the throne, yet there is a darkness lurking behind the scenes.

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Matthew 21:12-13
In Jerusalem, Jesus enters the bustling temple courts and drives out the merchants, overturning tables and declaring, "My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers." His bold actions challenge the corrupt practices endorsed by religious leaders, sparking both awe and outrage. As Jesus continues to heal the blind and lame, his growing influence threatens the religious elite. The children praise him, while the leaders, unable to refute his miracles, plot against him to protect their authority. This episode marks the beginning of the end. Jesus' defiance sets the stage for his crucifixion, highlighting his commitment to truth and justice. His sacrifice prompts us to reflect on our own faith and dedication.
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