Strength & Love

Strength & Love

David rises to a new level of power, influence, and favor. He truly is living like a man after God’s own heart… But sin always lurks in the shadows, awaiting a moment to strike.

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Jeremiah 29:11
In this part of David's story, we see his character through different lenses: the surrounding nations view him as decisive and pragmatic, dealing harshly with oppressors. In contrast, Mephibosheth sees David as compassionate and poetic, challenging David's dual nature. Initially feeling unworthy of David's favor, he learns a profound lesson on God's love through a stargazing moment and Psalm 8. This highlights that God's love isn't based on worthiness but freely given. Later, when Ammon humiliates David's servants, the king responds with both understanding and decisiveness. This echoes the complex nature of King David – good, but not safe, much like the lion Aslan from Narnia. David marches against Ammon and the Syrians, showcasing his core identity as the Giant Slayer with reminders of Goliath's sword and the sling.
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