Lazarus, Come Out!

Lazarus, Come Out!

Jesus is faced with a challenge. Does he choose justice and be seen as a tyrant, or does he choose mercy and lose his credibility as a Rabbi?

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John 11:25-26
In a small village, Jesus taught with his disciples. He spoke of love and compassion, warning against greed and hypocrisy. Among the listeners was a woman with a crooked spine, in agony for years. With a touch, Jesus healed her, despite objections from religious leaders. In another town, Lazarus lay dying. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent for Jesus. But Jesus delayed, saying Lazarus's illness would bring glory to God. Days later, Jesus arrived to find Lazarus dead and buried. At the tomb, Jesus wept. Then, with a voice like thunder, he commanded Lazarus to come out. From the darkness emerged Lazarus, alive and well. Jesus showed that even death must yield to his power.
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