A Sorrowful Coronation

A Sorrowful Coronation

The Rejected King is dead… Now is the time to usher in God’s chosen ruler - the one who will pave the way for peace and righteousness. Yet in the shadows, there is a lingering memory of Saul that poses a threat to David’s power.

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Romans 8:28
This reflection invites us to ponder the unconventional coronation of Jesus, crowned not with gold but with thorns. It sets the stage for David's ascent to kingship. The aftermath of Saul's inglorious death emphasizes the transience of worldly leaders, cautioning against unwavering trust in them. The scavenger's dishonesty serves as a stark lesson on the repercussions of falsehood. David, mourning Saul and Jonathan, steps into leadership with a profound responsibility to bring warmth and light to Israel. He exemplifies unwavering character, emphasizing that true integrity is consistent, regardless of public opinion. The brewing civil war in Israel reflects the complexity of life choices. Judah crowns David, who attributes his success to God and anticipates a greater King, one destined to conquer death itself.
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