A Rejected King

A Rejected King

In the small town of Bethlehem, in the rolling green pastures of his father’s house, a hero tends to his sheep completely unaware of the journey God has for him.

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Philippians 4:6-7
"The primary responsibility of a king was to ensure God's will was done among the people and lead them on a righteous path. Despite Saul's shortcomings, God offered him another chance to do the right thing. Saul experienced victory against the Amalekites but fell into the trap of pride, taking credit for God's victory. He prioritized his own glory over obedience to God and faced the consequences. Samuel confronted Saul, who refused to take responsibility and blamed others. God cares more about the heart than outward appearances of holiness. Samuel mentioned the promise of a new king, one who seeks after the heart of God. Saul's outward faithfulness was a sham, fooling people but not God. Saul's flame was snuffed out, and a fresh start was needed. Agag, the king of the Amalekites, was beheaded as per God's will. Saul was left in darkness, separated from the heart of God. It serves as a reminder that our pride can distance us from God, but if we humbly seek Him, grace is freely given.
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